čtvrtek 24. dubna 2008

Video - Franci+Cinzia project



For you

For you,who are the only reason in the world,the only reason for me to breathe,
When I look at you after a day full of words
Without you saying a word, everything becomes clear.

To you,who found me with my wrists shut,
With my back against the wall,ready to defend myself,with eyes low I was in row with disillusioned,but you picked me up like a little cat, and you brought me with you.

for you I sing a song because I have nothing else,
nothing better to offer you, among all that I have,
take my time and magic that with one single leap will make us fly in the air as little bubbles.

for you, who are my big love
for you,who took my life and turned it in so much more
for you,you gave sense to my time
for you,who are my big love,
for you,who are,who simply are
substance of my days,substance of my dreams

for you,who I saw cry in my hands,
so fragile that I could have killed you,if I hugged you too tight,
And then I saw you with the strength of an airplane take your life in your hands,and drag it to salvation.

for you,who taught me the dreams, and the art of adventure ,
for you who believe in courage,and even in fear,
for you, who are the best thing that's ever happened to me,
for you,who's changing everyday,but who's still always the same.


For you,the one who never likes herself and can't see that she's gorgeous,
the forces of nature are living in you ,
Whether you are a rock,a tree, a hurricane
you're the horizon that welcomes me home when I've been away.

For you,who are the only friend I could ever have,
The only love that I would want,if you weren't with me,
for you,who made my life so beautiful,
for you who can turn my fatigue in the biggest of the pleasures

for you, who are my big love
for you,you took my life and turned in so much more
for you,you gave sense to my time
for you,who are my big love,
for you,who simply are
substance of my days,substance of my dreams

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