pondělí 15. prosince 2008

pátek 21. listopadu 2008

neděle 16. listopadu 2008


A dark, semi-AU 'Lost' fan video about Jack's problems following the breakdown of his relationship with Kate.

Summary: After breaking up with Kate, Jack can't stop thinking about her and his drug and alcohol problems escalate.
He finally persuades Kate to meet up with him, and finds out about Locke's death in the meantime. When visiting Locke's body, Ben tells him that all of them have to go back.
When Jack finally meets Kate he asks her to go back but she refuses. Jack can't handle it any more.

sobota 8. listopadu 2008

úterý 28. října 2008

That is absolutely amazing!

Artist's Comments
Jack from Lost....
I've always felt kind of sorry for Jack, he seem to be so tormented by never being good enough. I think his character is a really good and honest man, who just can't let go and always keep fighting (for the good).
Whenever I see him I can't help but think of my brother who has a very similar look and face expression.

Lately I have been watching DVD's of of the older seasons, I don't think I ever get tired of watching that show. Whenever I see them again I feel I discover something new, which is quite cool.
I can't wait for season 5 to start in 2009. Lost is one of the best shows.

It was interesting drawing someone with a bit of age, it's very different and a challenge to get the right amount of age to show. John Locke is still on my list of people to draw, I just really need to be in the mood to draw a celebrity.

The bakground leaves I did from another Lost photo, as I wanted to try and create a background around him. I do prefer a more neutral background on drawings as I feel it often steals the attention if you add a too detailed background. I think that's what happened here too, still it was nice to try it.

Made with soft charcoal.
34x29 cm (14x12")