pondělí 15. prosince 2008

pátek 21. listopadu 2008

neděle 16. listopadu 2008


A dark, semi-AU 'Lost' fan video about Jack's problems following the breakdown of his relationship with Kate.

Summary: After breaking up with Kate, Jack can't stop thinking about her and his drug and alcohol problems escalate.
He finally persuades Kate to meet up with him, and finds out about Locke's death in the meantime. When visiting Locke's body, Ben tells him that all of them have to go back.
When Jack finally meets Kate he asks her to go back but she refuses. Jack can't handle it any more.

sobota 8. listopadu 2008

úterý 28. října 2008

That is absolutely amazing!

Artist's Comments
Jack from Lost....
I've always felt kind of sorry for Jack, he seem to be so tormented by never being good enough. I think his character is a really good and honest man, who just can't let go and always keep fighting (for the good).
Whenever I see him I can't help but think of my brother who has a very similar look and face expression.

Lately I have been watching DVD's of of the older seasons, I don't think I ever get tired of watching that show. Whenever I see them again I feel I discover something new, which is quite cool.
I can't wait for season 5 to start in 2009. Lost is one of the best shows.

It was interesting drawing someone with a bit of age, it's very different and a challenge to get the right amount of age to show. John Locke is still on my list of people to draw, I just really need to be in the mood to draw a celebrity.

The bakground leaves I did from another Lost photo, as I wanted to try and create a background around him. I do prefer a more neutral background on drawings as I feel it often steals the attention if you add a too detailed background. I think that's what happened here too, still it was nice to try it.

Made with soft charcoal.
34x29 cm (14x12")

neděle 19. října 2008

Claire....I miss you :(((

Happy Birthday AXN


credit ByCarLost

čtvrtek 2. října 2008

HAUNTED na AXN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pronásledovaný I.
V hlavních rolích Matthew Fox a Michael Irby.
Poté, co se soukromý detektiv Frank Taylor ocitne na pokraji života a smrti, zjistí, že mu při řešení případů pomáhají ztracené duše.
Vysílací čas: Od 12. října každou neděli ve 21:00

Jak já miluji tento seriál......

čtvrtek 18. září 2008

Billy Smoke

Tak je to tady - Matthew bude hrát hlavní roli ve filmu - jako comicsový hrdina. Hmmm....Připravuje se adaptace ještě nevydaného comicsu Billy Smoke, za kterým stojí B. Clay Moore. Příběh vypráví o elitním hitmanovi, který je málem zabit během nepovedeného zásahu a rozhodne se svůj další život zasvětit vykoupení a pobít všechny nájemné vrahy. Bude to tmavý, násilný, tvrdý.....jo...už aby to bylo...lol

Letos v létě byl Matthew v San Diegu na ComicConu propagovat tento comics a budoucí film a my jsme byli samozřejmě u toho!!!!



další fotky :)))

Matthew Fox is Billy Smoke
Eager to get in bed with Lost’s Matthew Fox, Warner Bros. has picked up the film rights to a comic yet to be published, and developing it for Fox. Oni Press is set to publish the new comic book series, “Billy Smoke” in 2009. According to the Hollywood Reporter, Billy Smoke is an elite hit man who is almost killed during a botched job. He then sets out to kill all the assassins because he believes it will make the world a better place.

Matthew Fox Joins Adaptation of Oni Press' Billy SmokeAfter kicking ass as Racer X in Speed Racer earlier this summer, Matthew Fox will go on to star in Billy Smoke, an adaptation of an upcoming comic being published by Oni Press. The story focuses on an elite hitman who is nearly killed during a job and realizes that his only way to find redemption is to rid the world of all assassins. After the success of Wanted this weekend, it sounds like Hollywood is interested in even more hitmen and assassins. The comic book series will first be published in 2009 and is written by B. Clay Moore and illustrated by Eric Kim. No director or writer has been announced yet, but the film is being produced by Warner Brothers and Oni's Eric Gitter

Matthew Fox smell's WB's 'Smoke'
Matthew Fox is in negotiations to star in Warner Bros.' "Billy Smoke," based on the Oni Press comic about a hit man seeking redemption.

Project's produced by Basil Iwanyk at Thunder Road and Eric Gitter at Closed on Mondays Entertainment. Oni's Peter Sherwin will exec produce.

Story centers on an elite hit man who's nearly killed during a botched job and realizes that his only way to find redemption is to rid the world of all assassins.

Foxy na ComicCon 2008

Strašně se stydím, že jsem tak dlouho neposílala....je to ostuda....ano...stydím se...ale dost sebemrskačctví..wow..to je teda slovo...podařilo se mi shromáždit skoro všechny fotky a videa z této úžasné akce....takže hurá na to!!!!

thx LUKA..you are the best :)))

Protože je toho opravdu mraky, posílám pouze :)
odkaz ;odkaz2 ;odkaz3 ;odkaz4

několik bonbónků...mňam....

středa 30. července 2008

pondělí 7. července 2008

well well well

COPAK TO TU MÁME....HMMMMM.....MOC HEZKÝ....hlavně ten konec :))))

pondělí 30. června 2008

All that I am

.....tohle musíte vidět!!!!!...žádná slova to nemůžou správně popsat.....

pátek 27. června 2008

čtvrtek 26. června 2008

neděle 22. června 2008

Her name was Claire

Miluji tuto "dysfunkční" rodinu.....spojení na fantastická místa

1. Christian, Jack, Claire and Aaron

2. Jack/Claire/Aaron

Kate and Jack finally get their happy ending.

ten konec...wow...Evie se začínají ozývat vaječníky.....:)))))

sobota 14. června 2008

The Story

Dneska je venku krásně.......čas na Jate and Jack!!!!!

TAK TOHLE JE......xixixixixixi...ten kdo to dělal je génius....

čtvrtek 12. června 2008

Hiiiiiiiiiii I'm back

Jsem zpět z nemocnice - všechno už je ok....užívám si obskakování :-)))) ležím v postýlce a nic nedělám...tomu se říká havaaaaaaaajjj

neděle 25. května 2008

úterý 20. května 2008

středa 30. dubna 2008

World Championship - snooker

po druhé části zápasu Ronnie x Liang Wenbo vede Ronnie 11-5 :-)
Ronnie leads after second session of match with Liang Wenbo 11-5 :-)


úterý 29. dubna 2008

Paging Dr. Feelgood: 25 Best TV Doctors

Matthew Fox Lost (2004-)
Is there a doctor on the plane? Thank goodness there was on Oceanic Flight 815. The survivors would definitely be lost (sorry; couldn't resist), without Dr. De Facto Leader.
link - EW.com

pondělí 28. dubna 2008

Foxy Family

Daddy and his daughter......cute, cute, cute

pátek 25. dubna 2008


Go Speed Racer Go Music Video

Matthew Fox Is Racer X

When the main cast of “Speed Racer” arrived at Babelsberg Studios in Berlin, the Wachowski brothers gave the actors a first look at the world they would be entering, including paintings, storyboards and artwork, as well as an extended pre-vis (3D storyboard animation) of a race sequence.

“There were 12 actors in the room, and I guarantee you, it’s a rare occasion when so many actors are in a room together and completely speechless,” recalls Fox. “Everyone was looking at each other, completely blown away. It was pretty exciting. There are very few times in life when you’re part of a project that is endeavoring to do something that’s never been done before, and this was one of those times.”

On his first experience working with the Wachowskis, Fox says, “Working with Larry and Andy and such an incredible cast and crew was amazing. There were moments when the entire cast was assembled, and you’d look around at everybody in costume and you could hardly believe you were there. We had an awesome time.”


Here is the flirty beach Jate scene yeeeeeeeeess

THX for this Emily34,Lostbeth and Ewiess from L-F.....díky moc...


more MFNet

Episode 4.10 - Something Nice Back Home - Sneak Peek


poor Jack :((((((


čtvrtek 24. dubna 2008

Video - Franci+Cinzia project



For you

For you,who are the only reason in the world,the only reason for me to breathe,
When I look at you after a day full of words
Without you saying a word, everything becomes clear.

To you,who found me with my wrists shut,
With my back against the wall,ready to defend myself,with eyes low I was in row with disillusioned,but you picked me up like a little cat, and you brought me with you.

for you I sing a song because I have nothing else,
nothing better to offer you, among all that I have,
take my time and magic that with one single leap will make us fly in the air as little bubbles.

for you, who are my big love
for you,who took my life and turned it in so much more
for you,you gave sense to my time
for you,who are my big love,
for you,who are,who simply are
substance of my days,substance of my dreams

for you,who I saw cry in my hands,
so fragile that I could have killed you,if I hugged you too tight,
And then I saw you with the strength of an airplane take your life in your hands,and drag it to salvation.

for you,who taught me the dreams, and the art of adventure ,
for you who believe in courage,and even in fear,
for you, who are the best thing that's ever happened to me,
for you,who's changing everyday,but who's still always the same.


For you,the one who never likes herself and can't see that she's gorgeous,
the forces of nature are living in you ,
Whether you are a rock,a tree, a hurricane
you're the horizon that welcomes me home when I've been away.

For you,who are the only friend I could ever have,
The only love that I would want,if you weren't with me,
for you,who made my life so beautiful,
for you who can turn my fatigue in the biggest of the pleasures

for you, who are my big love
for you,you took my life and turned in so much more
for you,you gave sense to my time
for you,who are my big love,
for you,who simply are
substance of my days,substance of my dreams

Lost se vrací dnes - nebo zítra?????? NEVADÍ


Low Sexy Voice


